
Our Practices



At SR Business Services, we believe that strategy formulation is a deliberate search for a plan of action that will develop a business’ competitive advantage and compound it.

Strategy is one of the most commonly used management terms, yet it is also the least understood. Often companies underestimate the power of good strategy or confuse tactical initiatives with strategy. Smaller organizations believe that strategy is only for the large companies while the truth is often the reverse. Senior management is often too close to the daily issues to be able to take a detached and clinical view of the long term. These are typical conditions where our strategy team steps in to

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Strategy by itself means nothing unless it is deployed effectively and ensures a significant transformation in business performance. A half-baked strategy well executed will be superior to that marvelous strategy that isn’t executed very well. These words could not have been truer than in the context of business today, where strategies abound but fall short of expectations due to poor execution.

Success in business, however, is not one-dimensional but a result of carefully aligning the 3 Ps – Purpose, Process and People. A good strategy exercise can only provide the client organization with a Purpose. To ensure that the Processes are aligned with the Purpose, we use

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Innovation is an imperative for success in the 21st century. The force of creative change is transforming the worlds of what is possible and what is wanted. Both possibilities and opportunities are necessary for innovative action and together they must be harnessed to create value.

There are many approaches to innovation that focus on improving creativity, harnessing technology, generating ideas and identifying needs. Most of these approaches are frustratingly slow, fraught with failure and in the end might deliver only incremental innovation. Even when you create potentially breakthrough ideas, you are unsure of which ideas to back,

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   Corporate and Business Strategy

  Product and Market Strategy

  Brand Portfolio Strategy

  Pricing and Promotion Strategy

   Strategic Cost Management

  Optimization Strategy



  Solution Architecting

  Technology Implementation Services

Cloud Services,e-suites,e-Commerce,e-Solutions etc

  Project Management



Discover new opportunities based on unmet wants and desires.

Create new solution concepts and predict adoption.

Understand the mind of your future customer.

Improve your innovation process through new ways of exploring and discovering, understanding people, capturing deep insights and predicting and deciding.